After several hours of praising it as the best in the world, I finally managed to drag Matt to Mary Ann's Ice Cream. We decided to split a cup of strawberries and cream, and after his first spoonful, Matt sat back and made a big "Mmm" sound. "This is so good," he said, "Why would anyone ever want to commit suicide?"
It was probably the most adorable thing I'd ever heard anyone say in a long time.
I just woke up to the TV on, blaring news of Paris Hilton's Prison Hunger Strike, and how medical experts and fans alike are distraught over her "troubling weight loss."
Despite my sleepy, medicated stupor, hearing this made me stop for a second. Paris Hilton? Not eating? Is this new?
Tonight is the first night in ages that I've actually been completely alone. I'll admit, the first hour of solitude was intensely uncomfortable: having been constantly surrounded (or at least, a room away) from the presence of another for the past nine months, it was almost eerie knowing that my entire building is empty, save one or two semi-strangers a floor below me who also haven't moved out yet.
But now, it's actually kinda nice. For the first time in ages, I've been able to watch infomercials, rap along to dirty hip-hop at maximum volume, pick at final-exam-induced pimples, and play video games all in my underwear, without having to be considerate of others' feelings/interests/eyes.
Getting a place to myself next year is gonna be fuckin siiiick...
Instead of working on my final paper for Con. Law, I've been spending ridiculous amounts of time drawing Facebook Graffiti: I'm especially happy with the way the Sushi Totoro picture came out. Sometimes, I think I should be an art major. But then I remember what hunger feels like, and get back to reading million-page books.
Last night, I went to the Red Room with Janelle and Victoria (shh, don't tell anyone!). I'm fairly certain that I made a total ass of myself at a few points in the night, but it's okay, CUZ I GOT A GRIP A FREE DRANK (from complete strangers!). AND I lucked out, because I didn't actually black out until we got back to Janelle's. Hooray for irresponsible underage drinking!
Then I woke my sorry veisalgia'd (yeah, I just made a medical term into an adjective. What now?) ass up at 7:30 this morning to get to campus to take a final. Being the responsible student that I am, I packed a Scantron and a #2 pencil in my purse before going out with Janelle the night before, and even managed to make it to the lecture hall a half-hour early. And I totally aced that shit.
Afterwards, I went to Joe's and enjoyed a MASSIVE AND DELICIOUS sub sandwich, while reading some local hippie newspapers. That definitely cured my hangover.
Tonight: Sushi Totoro with Matt, The Beginning movie premiere (I was an extra in it!), and Janelle and I are getting a keg for the end-of-the-year Fish Rap Live! party. Mmmm, alcohol.
P.S. I don't care what you say, this man has the voice of an angel, and I refuse to stop playing this video repeatedly, despite my roommates' (very vocal) complaints.
Call me ditzy for thinking this, but I wish I could erase stupid memory from my brain and replace it with more important things. For example, all the lyrics to Fergie's album, "The Dutchess"? Not so important. Remembering Supreme Court Justices from 1801 to present and the cases over which they presided? Pretty important. At least, for school.
In other news, I really am lactose intolerant to whole milk products, and Ben and Jerry are kicking my ass.