Saturday, May 26, 2007

Why I sometimes like coming home:

At the dinner table:

Mom: So your brother hasn't been doing so hot. He just got suspended from riding the bus home for five days.
Brother: It's not THAT bad.
Me: Oh, really?
Mom: Yeah, he was giving the bus driver attitude.
Brother: She wouldn't tell me why I had to move to the front of the bus, and I told her it was my 6th amendment right to know what crime I was being charged with.
Me: Nice! But...I don't think those rules always apply to school buses.
Mom: Oh, don't encourage that behavior!
Me: What? It's a good thing that he questions authority. And it's a bonus that he actually knows his rights.
Mom: Stop it. Getting into trouble on the bus is bad behavior that shouldn't be commended.
Me: Oh yeah, what about Rosa Parks? She singlehandedly started one of the more successful Civil Rights movements in American history on a bus.
Mom: (glaring at both of her children) Well, Rosa Parks didn't have her parents on her back.
Me: No, she had the entire black community on her back.
Mom: Shut up.
Me: You just don't know about science and technology.

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