Friday, June 8, 2007

This is why, this is why, this is why I'm hot.

My life is still pretty fucking rad.

Last night, I went to the Red Room with Janelle and Victoria (shh, don't tell anyone!). I'm fairly certain that I made a total ass of myself at a few points in the night, but it's okay, CUZ I GOT A GRIP A FREE DRANK (from complete strangers!). AND I lucked out, because I didn't actually black out until we got back to Janelle's. Hooray for irresponsible underage drinking!

Then I woke my sorry veisalgia'd (yeah, I just made a medical term into an adjective. What now?) ass up at 7:30 this morning to get to campus to take a final. Being the responsible student that I am, I packed a Scantron and a #2 pencil in my purse before going out with Janelle the night before, and even managed to make it to the lecture hall a half-hour early. And I totally aced that shit.

Afterwards, I went to Joe's and enjoyed a MASSIVE AND DELICIOUS sub sandwich, while reading some local hippie newspapers. That definitely cured my hangover.

Tonight: Sushi Totoro with Matt, The Beginning movie premiere (I was an extra in it!), and Janelle and I are getting a keg for the end-of-the-year Fish Rap Live! party. Mmmm, alcohol.

P.S. I don't care what you say, this man has the voice of an angel, and I refuse to stop playing this video repeatedly, despite my roommates' (very vocal) complaints.

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