Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's amazing how much more passive-aggressive I've become in the past few months.

Just now, I got into work only to find some grad student doing homework on my computer (which is only technically my computer in that it's the only one in the lab with administrative privileges given specifically to me for work).

Instead of asking her to maybe swap computers, or ignoring the situation altogether and accepting it as a nice break from work, I got on another computer and started eating lunch really loudly.

Oh Caesar salad, you are so fresh, leafy, and full of flavor! I hope my impassioned savoring of your crispy hearts of Romaine (coupled with crunchy garlic croutons) won't have an adverse effect on other peoples' ability to learn!

FYI: It worked. She left. Victory is once again mine.

Goddamn, I'm immature.

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